Professional ProfilesPhotographer

Professional photographers use their cameras to capture events and impressions of people, objects or landscapes. The photographs are then processed on the computer using various programme, such as Photoshop. Depending on the contract, the finished product may be normal photographs, posters, canvases or entire photo books.

If you want to work as a photographer, you should have a certain eye for aesthetics and a good feeling for what your customer wants. You should also be able to master new technologies, be creative and have a sense for colour and shape. Most photographers are self-employed or freelancers and usually have their own photo studio. They often specialise in specific genres, such as portraits, architecture, fashion, etc.
The profession of photography is regulated. If you are interested, you need to have a master craftsman's certificate or must have completed an academic course of at least three years.
Photography cannot be studied in Luxembourg, but many foreign universities offer degree programmes such as Audio-visual Media, Graphic Design, Visual Communication or Photography.